Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Duplicate Post - Redirect: #11.08.10: BlogSpot6, Fair Trade dealing

“..transactional thinkingand individual autonomy to shift risk from governments and corporations onto individuals and to extend this kind of market logic into the realm of social and affective relationships.”
 Reference post, dated #09.08.10: DOI and digital copyright / patent law

Instead suggesting that this, in certain financial climates could be the total opposite, saying that the risk should now be with those same governments and corporations whose transactional thinking has been dictated by their environment / employees, who without individual autonomy at influential levels - operated within that capacity at that time without full autonomy and individualism. Adjudicating, in future years the impact on the open source objective, both by businesses groups and sole contributors moreover the copyright laws which surround the sharing and dissemination of material – and the standardisation of evolving techniques which increase developer capabilities to quash it’s unlicensed broadcast more to the point it’s re-invention - making it a proposition for mainstream acceptance.

Fair dealing, in certain circumstances, some works may be used if that use is considered to be 'fair dealing'. There is no strict definition of what this means but it has been interpreted by the courts on a number of occasions by looking at the economic impact on the copyright owner of the use. Where the economic impact is not significant, the use may count as fair dealing. So, it may be within the scope of 'fair dealing' to make single photocopies of short extracts of a copyright work for non-commercial research or private study, criticism or review, or reporting current events.