Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Reviewing recruitment portals & data warehousing sites

Mostly for my own requirements, as currently seeking contractual, full-time employment.

Seems to be a lack of impartiality as concerns the development of middleware, geared towards content aggregation and re-appropriation between recruitment sites.

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Viability study, foundation research

Provisioning the design, build and administration of applications over Re – conditioned hardware, forward to study 'an alternate means of data-centric media design for tertiary communications'.

Theoretical application of recursive scheduling systems (day)

Application protocol interfaces based on extended sceduling systems, using established data as its testbed. In the first instance looking at national holidays around the globe, their traditions, recursion and relevance. Towards better understanding of API's - application protocol interfaces, basing this new area of study on basic sceduling systems and their tertiary attributes.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Cloud Computing & its components

Rough review of 'UDDI, WAS, WSDL, WSSL Sandboxes, Unified Modelling Language, AMAZON EC2, VPC, VPN' plus other solutions for optimizing performance of distance communication. With the objective of better understanding the role of Application Protocol Interfaces,

W3C Specification;

Most of the APIs defined by this specification are interfaces rather than classes. That means that an implementation need only expose methods with the defined names and specified operation, not implement classes that correspond directly to the interfaces. This allows the DOM APIs to be implemented as a thin veneer on top of legacy applications with their own data structures, or on top of newer applications with different class hierarchies.